Sunday, November 20, 2005

Tough day at work

Pencil through the eye. Or neck. Either would be fatal. Unfortunately still not comparable to the many times he penetrated her daughter, without her consent. It would be so easy, the straight jacket would ensure that. A life for a life.

But she must be professional. The court requires it.

She begins the evaluation. “So, tell me about your childhood…”


me said...

Go for the eye! Go for the eye!

Bashmentbasses said...

Leave the eyes, castrate so he can see.

The Seeker said...

Ok guys, really, Dont any of you think happy thoughts?

Tuff though D, I say castrate then go for the Eye, then a gain, nah, just castrate, He needs to suffer.

Ooops did that come off too strong?

Rae said...

wow. serious indeed. good one.